
When Narcisa went to our Agency and told us about her project “Follow your dream”, we immediately decided that our creative team should help her create the III edition of the international contest, aimed at the disclosure of Classical, Modern and Contemporary Dance.

Our Agency worked on the communication plan together with A.s.d. Studio danza Narcisa, which has been working for over thirty years in Turin. Thus the international event “Follow your Dream 2016” was born.

Jusan Network created the format of the event. It realized all the communication above and below the line of the contest, together with all the tools needed to improve the sharing on all the social networks. We had to highlight all the paths that pupils of Studio danza Narcisa had followed in order to reach their goals.

The principal purpose of the contest is to promote Culture through an event intended to publish Classical, Modern and Contemporary dance, by giving the young dancers the opportunity to work in a professional place.

The location of the event will be Teatro della Concordia, in Venaria Reale (To), with 800 seats and a big stage on which to dance.

The event will be held on Saturday 14 february 2016. From the eliminatory phases, to the final ones and the galà, and a general exhibition of the dancers awarded with the first place, as well as worldwide renowned hosts.

The panel of judges will include international professionals such as:

Alen Bottaini: English National Ballet School teacher, BMICA Artistic Director – Munich
Roberto Fascilla: International teacher and Artistic Director of MAB maria Antonietta Berlusconi international award
Caterina Mantovani: Teacher at Wiener Staatsoper Ballettakademie
Michele Olivieri: dance critic and a member of the UNESCO’s international dance counsil
Michele Pogliani: free lance coreographer and international teacher
Pompea Santoro: maitre and international teacher, Ekodance International Project artistic directress
Lukas Timulak: International freelance coreographer

Kledi Kadiu will also attend the panel of critics for the contemporary-modern dance section.

We are waiting for you to enjoy with us a dance-driven evening!