

Jusan Network has realized the restyling of the site of Com.Tec: a company specialized in the selling of industrial brushes.

The business communication on the Web is a fundamental aspect for every business. The potential customers, b2c and b2b, before addressing a particular company, make a series of online researches in order to establish what is the most suitable offer for their needs.

Starting from this simple introduction it’s clear that who doesn’t have any online presence is destined not to catch the several business opportunities offered by the Net.

The same subject refers to those companies which, though they have a web site, don’t exploit its potentialities and are restricted to offer the potential customers a poor and ineffective experience of navigation.

Com.Tec Srl, a company specialized in the selling of industrial brushes, has understood the importance of having an online presence able to offer its customers a complete navigation experience from the visual/graphic and usability point of view, deciding to address Jusan Network for a whole restyling of its website.

The New Com.Tec Site

Before entering in the details of the restyling activity made by Jusan Network, let’s see how the site has changed from the graphic point of view.

AtFirst glance we immediately perceive how the site home page is graphically more captivatingand functional, as far as the presentation of the informations contained in the site is concerned, helping the users have an idea of Com.Tec. commercial offer.

Besides the graphic aspect, the restyling of the Com. Tec. site has also concerned a substantial intervention for both its structural and its management levels.

  • MULTILINGUAL: There have been created two versions of the site. (italian and english). Previously, the two languages lived in the same page, bringing to the users and the search engines more confusion in the interpretation of the page
  • TREE: The tree of the site has been optimized by dividing the products into two macro categories, both of which are subdivided in additional categories and subcategories. The new tree helps the users to research the desired product with few and simple clicks
  • PRODUCT CARD: compared to the previous version it has also been implemented the product card. For each article, indeed, it will be possible to view its image, its specific technics and its description. Furthermore, through the product card it is possible to conclude the order process
  • PRODUCT/CATEGORIES MANAGEMENT: it has been developed an advanced products and categories management system which allows the site administer to manage easily the articles of the site
  • BLOG: It has been realized a news area in which there will be published the latest news of the company and the sector
  • RESPONSIVE: The new site has been optimized in order to be perfectly viewed on every kind of mobile device (tablet/smartphone) and desktop