Ecommerce Outsourcing

Outsourching Ecommerce gestion contenuti logistica strategie
Managing all the phases of an e-commerce, for many professionals, is too expensive in terms of human and economic resources. Jusan Network designs and develops e-commerce in full outsourcing, taking care of every stage of the process: from payments to logistics, from content to customer service.

Full outsourcing e-commerce

For companies that do not intend to manage their e-commerce internally, we at Jusan Network offer full outsourcing e-commerce services. This means that we manage all the processes related to your e-commerce in every phase (Outsourching Ecommerce). This allows you to zero start-up costs, avoid hiring new staff and therefore also to postpone any investments in technologies and processes necessary for starting up activities.

Internal management vs. Outsourcing e-commerce

Jusan Network is dedicated entirely to the management of your e-commerce. Our web designers take care of everything from the creation phase of the e-commerce site. In fact, they develop your online shop and have complete control of the code, so they can modify and customize it according to the brand identity of your brand. Full outsourcing management offers the company numerous advantages: it eliminates the starting costs, avoids the recruitment of personnel and does not provide for particular investments.

Manage the contents of your e-commerce

To optimize sales, it is not enough to have products to showcase. A constantly updated e-commerce site offers better results. Unfortunately, many companies fail to manage everything because they do not have the necessary resources and skills for this. It is important to entrust the management of content to an external company (for example the management of the Blog, the creation of promotional images). This is why our copywriters and content editors specialize in building an effective storytelling from both an advertising and search engine optimization perspective.

Sales strategies for the growth of your digital business

To boost your E-commerce, you need to improve the conversion rate and average order size through online marketing strategies. From the organization of the categories, to the promotions, to the personalization of the commands, to the advertising campaigns. Each activity must therefore be carefully calculated and estimated on the basis of the reference target and the products and services offered by your online activity. Not all companies are able to follow all these steps and get the best results, but we can do it for you. Our multi-professional team is able to follow you in each of these steps, guaranteeing optimal results and a considerable increase in traffic and conversions.

Logistics and warehouse for the products of your e-commerce

We outsource all operations related to the organization of the warehouse, logistics management, shipments to customers and billing of online sales. Thanks to our experience of over ten years, we have studied and implemented predefined and customizable organizational models over the years, such as to allow us also a perfect management of all these activities.

Customer Care and customer assistance

We manage outsourcing, through a trusted partner, a Customer Care service able to offer customers assistance in many languages and in all phases of purchase, even for individual services.

Web Design & E-commerce Experience

To be competitive on the market, your site must reflect a series of parameters that can guarantee an excellent user experience. Jusan Network creates websites, ecommerce and mobile app, taking care of every aspect of UX to build a site that can be used on any device, with appealing content, impact images and well-balanced texts.

Branded, Strategy, Identity & Advertising

Everything starts from the Brand, from the identity of your company, from the communication strategies adopted and the way you choose to present them to your audience. Jusan Network creates offline communication campaigns, on the web and on social media through strategies that last over time, aimed at maximizing and optimizing traffic on all your channels.